June 20 2023

更新:TD Greystone Target Date Plus基金已添加到Sun Life集團退休服務的核心投資平台

5 min read

We are pleased to advise that Sun Life Group Retirement Services (GRS) has added the TD Greystone Target Date Plus Series of Segregated Funds to its Core investment platform effective March 1, 2023.

For more details, read the announcement from Sun Life below.

"Date: February 21, 2023

Addition of TD Greystone Target Date Plus Funds to the Core investment platform

Plan sponsors may wish to consider whether this investment news has any implications for the investment options available within their plans. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada purchases units of the funds listed below, which are established as segregated funds in accordance with the Insurance Companies Act (Canada).

Sun Life Group Retirement Services (GRS) is pleased to announce the addition of the TD Greystone Target Date Plus Series of Segregated Funds (the Funds) to our DC Core investment platform (Core platform). The Funds will be available beginning March 1, 2023.

We are adding the Funds to provide plan sponsors and their members with additional choice in the important Target Date category.


About the TD Greystone Target Date Plus Funds 

TD Greystone created the funds in 2014 and the series currently consists of nine funds that range in target maturity from 2025 to 2060, in 5-year increments, and a retirement fund. The Funds are a unique offering on the Core platform, due to their significant allocation to private (non-listed) alternative asset classes. The Funds each invest 20-25% in alternatives, which consist of Canadian and global real estate, global infrastructure and commercial mortgages. This allocation to private alternatives provides additional diversification and comes with unique opportunities and risks. Other target date funds available on the Core platform offer smaller allocations to alternatives that consist primarily of listed securities (i.e. real and infrastructure stocks).

The Funds' objective is to deliver strong long-term returns along with reduced return volatility as their maturity date approaches. To reduce return volatility, as the maturity date nears investments in risker assets (i.e., equities) will decrease, while investments in lower risk assets (i.e., fixed income) will increase. Primary investments include: i) equity, ii) bonds, iii) global & Canadian real estate, iv) infrastructure, and v) commercial mortgages.

The Fund series' glidepath balances market risk with timing (also known as sequence of returns risk) that a plan member faces as they approach retirement. This glidepath shape reduces equity exposure in the funds earlier than most other target date series. TD Greystone believe that the exposure to alternative investments allows this earlier de-risking. The 2060 fund vintage has an asset allocation of approximately 72% equity, 5% fixed Income and 23% alternatives. At maturity, the asset allocation is 41% equity, 34% fixed Income and 25% alternatives. The glidepath does not change after maturity.

TD Greystone is a part of TD Asset Management (TDAM). A four-person Institutional Active Asset Allocation team (IAAAT) manages the funds. They are part of the TDAM Asset Allocation team. 41 investment professionals focus on allocation research, strategy, synthetics and portfolio management make up the broader team.

IAAAT are responsible for designing strategic asset mix, fund selection and tactical asset allocation. They do this for TDAM's active balanced funds, and custom fund-of-fund solutions for institutional investors. The IAAAT team members collaborate amongst themselves as well as the broader Asset Allocation team. This collaboration is embedded through all aspects of the team's investment process.

The Funds currently invest in 15 underlying funds, all managed in-house. The underlying funds are primarily actively managed. The following are the permitted asset allocation ranges for all Funds in the series.


資產類別 Minimum % Maximum %
Cash & Short-Term Equivalents 0 10
Canadian Nominal Bonds 0 60
股票 15 80
Global Bonds 0 15
Real Return Bonds(實際回報債券) 0 10
High Yield Bonds(高收益債券) 0 15
房地產 0 20
TD Greystone Real Estate Fund LP 0 20
TD Greystone Infrastructure Fund LP 0 20
TD Greystone Mortgage Fund 0 20


The Funds’ Statement of Investment Policies and Procedures (SIPP) are available on the plan sponsor website.

Below is an illustration of the glidepath."



Should you have any questions, please contact your TD Global Investment Solutions Relationship Management Team.


本文所包含的資訊僅供參考。內容乃出自可靠之來源匯編而成。本文並不提供任何財務、法律、稅務或投資建議。衡量個別投資、稅務或交易策略時,應考慮個別人士的目標和風險承受能力。所有產品都有潛在風險。 Important information about the pooled funds is contained in their offering circular, which we encourage you to read before investing. 請獲取副本。所示回報率為基金的年度歷史複合總回報率,包括單位價值變動及再投資所有紅利。所有基金的收益率、投資報酬率和單位價值都會波動。所有業績數據僅反映過去的回報情況,因此未必能準確反映將來的表現。 Pooled Fund units are not deposits as defined by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government deposit insurer and are not guaranteed by The Toronto-Dominion Bank. Investment strategies and current holdings are subject to change. TD Pooled Funds are managed by TD Asset Management Inc. Management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. 投資前請參閱詳列投資資料的基金概覽和招股章程。互惠基金沒有獲得保證或保險,其價值會經常變化,且過去表現未必會重現。互惠基金策略和目前的持有狀態可能會隨時變動。本文檔中的部分陳述可能包含預測性的前瞻性陳述(「FLS」),其中包含「預計」、「預期」、「打算」、「認為」、「估計」和類似的前瞻性表述或其否定形式。前瞻性陳述基於當前對未來普遍的經濟、政治、相關市場因素(例如利率和匯率、股票和資本市場)以及普遍經營環境的預計和預測,並假定不發生稅法或其他法律或政府管制方面的任何變動或災難事件。對於未來事件的預計和預測本身受無法預見的風險和不確定性的影響。此等預計和預測可能在未來並不準確。前瞻性陳述不是對未來表現的保證。實際發生的事件可能與前瞻性陳述明示或暗示的事件存在實質差異。包括上文所述各項因素在內的多個重要因素均可能造成這種背離。您不應在任何程度上依賴於前瞻性陳述。道明互惠基金和道明資產管理計劃投資組合由道明銀行 (Toronto-Dominion Bank) 全資子公司道明資產管理有限公司 (TD Asset Management Inc.) 管理,並通過授權經銷商銷售。TD全球投資方案代表道明資產管理有限公司 (簡稱「TDAM」) 和Epoch Investment Partners, Inc. (簡稱「TD Epoch」)。 TDAM and TD Epoch are affiliates and wholly owned subsidiaries of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.

® TD標誌和其他TD商標為道明銀行或其子公司的產權。