Investment Insights
May 11 2023

The 20th Annual Sharing of Knowledge Learning Series

10 min read

This year, we traveled to nine cities across Canada for the 20th annual Sharing of Knowledge Series. Our thematic focus, Reinventing Globalization: Navigating the New Investment Regime, explored how investors can manage globalization's historic changes and shared our best ideas on building a diversified portfolio with equities.

This event featured institutional investment leaders who delivered thought provoking presentations on the following topics:

Globalization as we know it is gone

Globalization has been put under pressure recently by a more assertive nationalistic China, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Today, governments and companies are emphasizing security and the reliability of supply chains, which has led to reshoring the manufacturing of products in advanced tech and other areas. This deglobalization trend has key implications for labour and capital costs as well as macro volatility.


Kevin Hebner, PhD,

Managing Director, Global Investment Strategist, Epoch Investment Partners Inc. 

William W. Priest, CFA,

Executive Chairman, Co-Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager, Epoch Investment Partners Inc.  


Investment implications for the new regime

In the current investment environment, portfolio construction needs are expanding to incorporate additional diversification and to enhance nimbleness. An ability to respond to shifting structural dynamics with multiple levers will create risk management and return opportunities for investors. Equity diversification will hold particular importance, since the asset class provides adaptability in response to rapid changes and an opportunity to generate alpha across a wider range of market conditions.


Jafer Naqvi, CFA, 

Vice President & Director, Lead of Institutional Asset Allocation Team, TD Asset Management Inc. 

Nicole Lomax, CFA, 



Global economic and market update

At our Toronto event, we also had an engaging panel discussion on markets and the economy from a global perspective which featured the following special guests:



Kim Parlee, 



Beata Caranci, 

Senior Vice President & Chief Economist, TD Bank Group


Priya Misra, 

Head of Global Rates Strategy, TD Securities  


Please refer to the event synopsis for a full recap of the insights shared. For additional resources related to this year's theme, please refer to the following articles:


If you would like more information about the Sharing of Knowledge Learning Series 2023, please contact your TD Global Investment Solutions Relationship Manager.


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