Boost your financial IQ: The more you know, the more you save

How much do you know about money management? Learning about key financial concepts can help you make more informed decisions and improve your bottom line. Give your financial IQ a boost with these tips and resources:

Start with the basics
Read about creating a spending plan, debt and credit management, mortgages, retirement planning, getting a loan and knowing your consumer rights at* – the U.S. government site dedicated to teaching all of us the basics about financial education.

Read, read, read
Search online, go to the bookstore or visit your local library to find books written by financial specialists. Keep growing your financial knowledge with TD Bank's interactive guides that will show you how to get smart with money.

Stay in school
Take a class at a local school or organization to get a better understanding of key financial concepts. TD Bank Financial Education employee volunteers are available for free. Invite TD to teach a lesson virtually or in your classroom or organization today.

Bankers, financial planners and educators can help you become your own financial expert, so ask away! Whether you're looking for new financial products and services, answers to questions, or you just want a second opinion, seeking out an expert can boost your knowledge and your confidence.

Put your knowledge to the test
Look at your current financial plan and see where you can put what you've learned into practice. Keep adjusting your plan as you get more knowledge, and remember - each financial plan is different. Pair your new smarts with your real-life experience to find a plan that works just for you.

Pass on the savings

Here are some tips to help you talk to your children about money.

  1. Start small
    Start with simple concepts and work your way up. All things cost money, you earn money by working and budgeting helps you achieve your goals

  2. What's a budget?
    Talk about budgeting for savings goals. Break income into four parts: spending, short-term saving and long-term saving

  3. Speak their language
    Explain saving using real-life goals. Map out the cost and calculate how long it would take to save based on their income (allowance, odd jobs, babysitting, your contribution)

  1. Save as a family
    Talk about ways to save as a family, including cutting coupons or reducing power usage, and work together to save for shared goals like vacations. Track your progress on a calendar or chart

  2. Make it fun!
    Give them a job around the house so they can earn their own money, and make a savings goal chart or wish list to help encourage saving goals

Keep growing your financial knowledge

Tools, tips and resources designed to help boost your financial IQ.

This article is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide specific financial, investment, tax, legal, accounting, or other advice and should not be acted or relied upon without the advice of a professional advisor. A professional advisor will recommend action based on your personal circumstances and the most recent information available.

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