The Effort and the Benefits of Keeping Up To Date

Published: 24/04/2024

Investor Knowledge +  5 Minutes = New Thinking

Life can be busy. Very busy at times. With so many things to do and to think about, many priorities can fall off the radar. Trying to eat healthy or exercise regularly can often take a back seat to a fast-food meal and just not being able to "find the time" to exercise. Keeping up to date with the news can also be something that falls off the priority list for many.

While keeping up with economic news and markets may seem like its yet another item to add to your "list", there are several important benefits that shouldn't be overlooked. Keeping up to date with financial news can help you to make better decisions, spot threats and opportunities early on, and provide you with a "heads up" on changes that you need to consider. Fortunately for investors, TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM) has a timely and easy to digest publication that helps make the "list" a little less daunting.

Every quarter, the TD Wealth Asset Allocation Committee ("WAAC") publishes their thoughts on the markets and economy including a positioning overview in the Market Perspectives. In the recently published Q2 Market Perspectives the WAAC provides its latest views on asset classes, where investing opportunities may arise, and future scenarios for global economies and interest rates. Key Q2 highlights include:

  • Inflation has made notable progress in recent months in many economies, enabling central banks to shift their warnings of potential interest rate hikes to a dialogue around the timing of highly anticipated cuts
  • The U.S. is expected to continue to considerably outperform its peers. Through geopolitical risks and high borrowing costs, the U.S. is expected to continue to impress, buoyed by remarkable productivity. This is out of step with other countries where growth has cooled markedly. Canada is no exception to this pattern, but domestic inflation has not ceded as much as in other regions, creating a challenge for the Bank of Canada.
  • In the Eurozone, both goods and services inflation have cooled substantially. The European economy has stalled since the third quarter of 2022 and traditional economic dynamics have settled in to rebalance demand and supply, and to restore price stability.
  • Although Canadian economic growth has steadily evaporated, decades-long housing shortages are coming home to roost. Through January, Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation excluding housing-related costs (rent, mortgage interest costs, and replacement costs) has already returned to 1.8% year-over-year ("YoY") and is at an even lower 0.6% (annualized) on a quarterly basis¹. Strip out the same housing factors from the classic core CPI (excluding food and energy) and we see virtually no growth in the quarter ending in January. The picture that emerges is of an economy with accumulating slack.
  • China's economic challenges linger despite fiscal stimulus introduced toward the end of last year. The current economic situation is best characterized by the lingering ripple effects from the overhang in the housing market.

Access to the insights

For access to TDAM's full update, please check out the latest Market Perspectives.

Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P, TD Economics.



The TD Wealth Asset Allocation Committee ("WAAC") is comprised of a diverse group of TD investment professionals.WAAC的職責是發佈季度市場展望,提供未來6至18個月市場行情的簡明觀點。WAAC的預測並非對未來結果的保證,實際市場事件可能與WAAC季度市場展望中明示或暗示的情況存在實質性差異。WAAC的市場展望不可取代投資諮詢。

道明資產管理有限公司 (TD Asset Management Inc.) 是道明銀行 (The Toronto-Dominion Bank) 的全資擁有附屬機構。


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