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What's New: TDAM Expands its U.S. Equity and Currency Neutral Mutual Funds Line-up

TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM) continues to refine its mutual fund line-up to provide investors with more features and flexibility, including two new currency neutral offerings, as well as series extensions and a new U.S. dollar purchase option for certain existing mutual funds. These options build upon our line-up of U.S. investment solutions, providing more opportunities and ways to help investors reach their financial goals.

  • TD U.S. Equity Focused Fund – Series Extension

    Offered previously only in D-Series and Private Series, TD U.S. Equity Focused Fund is now available in Fee-Based Series (F), Advisor Series (A), and Investor Series (I).

    TD U.S. Equity Focused Fund seeks to achieve rates of total return that, over the longer term, exceed those of its benchmark index by investing in large-capitalization U.S. stocks. The strategy aims to primarily generate returns through capital appreciation.

    Key Features Include:

    • Focused on growth: Gain exposure to U.S. companies in growing industries with strong business models and competitive positioning that may allow them to grow faster than their peers
    • Concentrated Portfolio of Quality Compounders: Invests in companies that are generally well-established, high-quality firms with large market capitalizations demonstrating a history of growing free cash flows and sound capital management
    • Potential to increase risk adjusted returns over time: Seeks to outperform its benchmark on a risk-adjusted basis over a full market cycle

    Invests in U.S. blue chip companies that typically exhibit a long-term track record of growing free cash flows and efficient capital management, which may help to achieve long-term outperformance

  • New Currency Neutral Mutual Fund

    TDAM is expanding its currency neutral mutual fund line-up with the additions of:

    The New Currency Neutral Funds follow the same investments objectives, investment strategies, and holdings of the standard unhedged versions of their respective underlying funds (i.e., TD U.S. Mid Cap Growth Fund and TD U.S. Equity Focused Fund, respectively), but with the addition of currency derivative contracts.

    The New Currency Neutral Funds seek to eliminate their respective underlying funds' direct and indirect foreign currency exposure. As such, these solutions are designed for investors looking to reduce the risk of currency fluctuations.

    TDAM's currency neutral solution set also includes TD U.S. Index Currency Neutral Fund and TD International Index Currency Neutral Fund.

  • TD U.S. Disciplined Equity Alpha Fund – New U.S. Dollar Purchase Option

    Further enhancing investor choices, TDAM has expanded its U.S. dollar currency purchase options with the introduction of the TD U.S. Disciplined Equity Alpha Fund (US$) in a Fee-Based Series (F).

    The investment objective is to seek to achieve long-term capital growth by investing primarily in equity securities of issuers in the U.S., and the TD U.S. Disciplined Equity Alpha Fund utilizes a quantitative equity strategy with models that evaluate multiple factors to optimize exposure to stocks which, in the Portfolio Managers' view, are expected to outperform the overall market.

TDAM offers over 30 U.S. Dollar solutions including mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

To find out more on how TDAM’s U.S. investment solutions may be suitable for you, please contact your investment professional.

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