Not all Commodity ETFs are Created Equal

Gain exposure to the carbon credit market through TD Global Carbon Credit Index ETF (TCBN). Managed by TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM), one of the largest and most experienced investment managers in Canada. For more information on TD ETFs and ETFs in general visit our TD ETF Resource Centre.

What is a carbon credit?

TCBN seeks to track the performance of a global carbon credit index which measures the investment return of global cap-and-trade carbon credits. A carbon credit is a tradeable permit or certificate issued through a regulatory organization allowing the holder to emit a certain amount of CO2 or other greenhouse gases (GHGs). Carbon credits have emerged as an important alternative asset class as countries around the world have sought a meaningful way to reduce carbon emissions in an effective, market-friendly fashion.

Why invest in carbon credits?

  • A unique and growing sector

    With the proliferation of carbon pricing programs and as markets transition from traditional carbon-emitting fossil fuels to more sustainable energy sources, the carbon credit market is expected to continue to grow well into the future1.

  • Low correlation to traditional asset classes

    Gain exposure to an asset class that historically has low correlation to equity and fixed income markets. Choosing assets with low correlation with each other may help to reduce the risk of a portfolio.

  • Participate financially in the energy transition economy

    TCBN offers the opportunity to financially participate in the energy transition from carbon-emitting fossil fuels to more sustainable energy sources through exposure to the carbon credit market.

Key Features of TCBN

Exposure to largest and most liquid carbon credit markets
Access the global carbon credit markets, primarily the European Union’s (EU) Emissions Trading System, the largest and most liquid carbon market in the world and a cornerstone of the EU's policy to combat climate change.

A strategic investment approach
TDAM will conduct a semi-annual review of global carbon emission markets to determine suitability and may expand its exposure to carbon credits that trade on other global Emissions Trading Systems as those markets mature, offering further opportunities for growth.

Opportunity for enhanced portfolio returns
The supply and demand of carbon credits establishes the market price. The supply of carbon credits is set to decrease as jurisdictions commit to the goal of lowering carbon emissions to meet strict pollution standards. In addition, demand for carbon credits is estimated to increase in the future - offering significant growth potential. TCBN also leverages the decades of investment experience of one of the largest asset managers in Canada.

One of the lowest management fees in North America for its asset class.


Below are the current target holdings of the TCBN ETF, subject to change. The portfolio manager in conjunction with the index provider intends to provide investors exposure to the most liquid carbon credit markets in the world. As new markets develop and become more liquid, they may be added to the index, and in turn the ETF.

Holdings (Notional Exposure)

*The ETF may use derivatives such as futures contracts, and/or total return swaps to gain needed exposures.


TSX Ticker



Solactive Global Carbon Credit TR CAD Hedged Index

Management Fee (%)


Risk Rating


Annually, if any

TCBN Additional Resources

Thought Leadership Papers


Product Overview



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1Source: Refinitiv 2022, “Carbon Markets Year in Review 2021”.

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