
If you're looking to get started with self-directed investing, we can help. At TD Direct Investing, we understand no one starts off as an expert. That's why we have a range of trading platforms, tools, and educational resources to meet you at this stage of your investing journey.



Kick-start investing with TD Easy TradeTM, our commission-free, easy-to-use mobile app that lets you start trading with a few taps. 




  • 賬戶結餘和持股情況
  • 資產分配
  • 投資活動
  • 預計收入
  • 研究和市場洞察
  • 股票表現

TD App

Monitor your investments and trade on the go using the TD app. Access many of the same features available in WebBroker, all at your fingertips.

下面是TD App提供的部分功能:

  • 可個人定製的主畫面
  • 市場洞察
  • 價格及成交量提醒
  • 預計收入
  • Robust investor education centre
  • 賬戶概覽和賬戶表現
  • 自選股觀察名單


Consider our other solution, Advanced Dashboard, for your investing needs.

Educational resources for new investors 


How we developed our unique investing styles (and you can too!) 

Three DIY do-it-yourself investors each share their journeys to developing their approach to investing

  • Gain insights into investing on your own. Learn about the different types of investments and investment accounts available.

  • Investing can seem less daunting when you grasp the intricacies of the stock market. Uncover what it is and how it works.

  • Adopt these nine habits to help stay on track with your finances like avoiding high-interest debt, building a budget, and more.


Looking to go beyond beginner-friendly investor education? Gain essential skills wherever you are in your investing journey. Check out other curated content.

  • 我是有經驗投資者


  • 我是活躍投資者



開設道明自管投資賬戶後,您可以使用易線網上理財TD App將資金轉入此賬戶。

  • 1

    前往易線網上理財的[Transfers & Withdrawals](轉賬和取款)專區。

    選擇與您的轉賬需求相符的選項,然後點擊 [Between My TD Accounts] (在我的TD賬戶間轉賬) 頁籤。

  • 2



  • 3


    查看詳情,並選擇 [Confirm Transfer] (確認轉賬) 以完成交易,或選擇 [Back] (返回) 以進行更改。

開設現金賬戶後,您可以使用Interac e-Transfer電子轉賬,從您在其他銀行的賬戶即時轉賬1至您的現金賬戶,最高不得超過每日限額。

使用Interac e-Transfer®電子轉賬從其他銀行即時轉賬

  • 1

    前往網上經紀服務的[Transfers & Withdrawals](轉賬和取款)專區

    選擇 [From Outside TD] (從TD外部) 選項卡。

  • 2


    選擇您要轉入的賬戶、金額和您的電郵,然後點擊 [Continue] (繼續)

  • 3


    選擇資金轉出的銀行,然後點擊[Accept Request](接受請求)

  • 4




當您從另一家經紀公司轉賬至道明自管投資時,任何費用均可得到報銷,上限為$150 2。 To find out more, call our Investment Representatives – Monday to Friday 7 am to 9 pm ET at 1-800-465-5463.


Buying stocks can be rewarding for beginners if done responsibly with research and investing education. It is important to consider your time horizon (how long you would like to invest) to determine if your investing consideration will take on a long- or short-term approach.

Every investor is unique and has their own investment style based on their current financial situation, individual preferences, and risk appetite, however, the first step in investing on your own is to select a brokerage firm. To shape your personal investment strategy as a self-directed investor, it's important to build a portfolio that fits your lifestyle, risk tolerance, and goals. You can learn more about it in this article on how to start investing in stocks.

Buying stocks regularly over time, even small amounts, can help average out the cost of your investment. Dollar cost averaging is a technique that helps you do this. Try this technique with a Dividend Reinvestment Plan or Systematic Investment Plan.

網上開設賬戶 - 輕鬆又快捷


  • 網上申請

    開設現金、保證金、RSP (退休儲蓄計劃) 或者TFSA (免稅儲蓄賬戶) 賬戶非常簡單。

  • 致電我們


    1-800-465-5463 1-800-465-5463
  • 預約會面時間
