
Annual Meeting 2024

Annual and Special Meeting of Common Shareholders
Thursday, April 18, 2024
9:30 a.m. (Eastern)


Attending the Annual and Special Meeting

Shareholders and guests may attend the meeting in-person, virtually via live webcast online and by phone.

In-Person Meeting:

The Annual and Special Meeting of Common Shareholders of the Bank will be held at the Design Exchange, TD Centre, 234 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario. Any changes to the format of our meeting will be posted on www.tsxtrust.com, on our website at www.td.com, or on SEDAR+ at www.sedarplus.ca.

Virtual Attendees (live webcast): https://td2024.can.chime.live/

Virtual Attendees (phone):

We encourage you to join the phone line early to register with the operators. Please note that if we reach capacity on our phone lines, we encourage you to join the webcast. Once logged in through the webcast platform or on the phone line, shareholders and proxyholders will be able to submit questions/make comments in writing (through the webcast platform) or verbally (through the phone lines).

Voting in Advance of the Meeting

We encourage you to read the Proxy Circular and vote your shares early.

  • For registered shareholders, the voting deadline is 9:30 a.m. (Eastern) on April 17, 2024.
  • For beneficial shareholders, your intermediary must receive your voting instructions by 9:30 a.m. (Eastern) on April 16, 2024.

For more information on voting in advance of the meeting, please refer to page 2 of the Proxy Circular.

Voting During the Meeting (In-Person)

If you wish to vote during the meeting, there are specific steps you must take in advance to complete a ballot.

  • If you are a registered shareholder and you wish to attend and vote in-person at the meeting, do not complete the form of proxy or return it. You must register at the registration desk when you arrive at the meeting. If you want to appoint someone as your proxyholder to vote for you at the meeting, follow the instructions provided in your form of proxy.
  • If you are a non-registered shareholder and you wish to attend and vote at the meeting, follow the steps set out on page 4 of the Proxy Circular, in advance of the meeting. If you want to appoint someone as your proxyholder to vote for you at the meeting, follow the instructions in your voting instruction form provided by your intermediary. If you are a non-registered shareholder located in the United States, follow the instructions in your voting instruction form provided by your intermediary, thereby requesting a legal proxy to be sent to you.

For more information, please see “How to Vote” and "Appointing a Different Proxyholder" starting on page 2 of the Proxy Circular.

If you have completed the necessary steps to vote during the meeting, then you can vote in-person.

Voting During the Meeting (Virtually via Internet)

If you wish to vote via internet during the virtual meeting, there are specific steps you must take in advance to complete an online ballot.

  • If you are a registered shareholder and you wish to attend and vote online at the virtual meeting, do not complete the form of proxy or return it. You must follow the steps set out on page 3 of the Proxy Circular, on the day of the meeting. If you want to appoint someone as your proxyholder to vote for you at the meeting, there are additional steps you must take, including appointing and registering your proxyholder as proxy with TSX Trust Company.
  • If you are a non-registered shareholder and you wish to attend and vote online at the virtual meeting, there are additional steps you must take including appointing and registering yourself as proxy with TSX Trust Company. If you are a non-registered shareholder located in the United States, you will also need to obtain a legal proxy form from your intermediary.

For more information, please see “How to Vote” and "Appointing a Different Proxyholder" starting on page 2 of the Proxy Circular.

If you have completed the necessary steps to vote during the virtual meeting via internet, then you can vote through the webcast.


We recently mailed The Toronto-Dominion Bank's (the "Bank's") annual report, together with voting forms, to our common shareholders.

Additionally, as permitted by the Canadian Securities Administrators and pursuant to an exemption from the proxy solicitation requirement received from the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada, we are using notice-and-access to deliver our Proxy Circular to registered and non-registered (beneficial) shareholders. We are also using notice-and-access to deliver our Annual Report to our non-registered (beneficial) shareholders. This means that the Proxy Circular and Annual Report are being posted online for you to access, rather than being mailed out. The Proxy Circular and Annual Report are available at www.tsxtrust.com, on our website at www.td.com, or on SEDAR+ at www.sedarplus.ca.

Please take the time to read the Proxy Circular and vote your shares, regardless of whether or not you attend the Bank's annual meeting. The circular describes the business to be conducted at the meeting and provides you, our shareholders, with information on the Bank's approach to executive compensation and to corporate governance - background information that will help you exercise your right to vote. Instructions on the ways you can exercise your voting rights are found in the Proxy Circular and also in the form of proxy or voting instruction form.

Bank Act (Canada) Restrictions on Common Share Ownership and Voting

The Bank's shares cannot be voted if they are beneficially held in contravention of the Bank Act (Canada). Restrictions on ownership and voting are described in the Proxy Circular.

To Communicate with Independent Directors

Shareholders may communicate directly with the independent directors through the Board Chair, by writing to:

P.O. Box 1
Toronto-Dominion Centre
Toronto, Ontario M5K 1A2

Or you may send an e-mail c/o TD Shareholder Relations tdshinfo@td.com. E-mails addressed to Mr. MacGibbon received from shareholders and expressing an interest to communicate directly with the independent directors via the Board Chair will be provided to Mr. MacGibbon.

Additional annual meetings