
Debt Information


On September 22, 2023, TD announced that it will exercise its right to redeem all of its 16,000,000 outstanding Non-Cumulative 5-Year Rate Reset Class A First Preferred Shares, Series 20 (Non-Viability Contingent Capital) (the "Series 20 Shares") on October 31, 2023

Click here for: Press Release

On August 14,2023, TD announced that it intends to exercise its right to redeem on September 14, 2023 (the "Redemption Date"), all of its outstanding $1.75 billion 3.589% medium term notes due September 14, 2028 (non-viability contingent capital (NVCC)) constituting subordinated indebtedness of TD (the "Subordinated Notes")

Click here for: Press Release

On October 6, 2022, TD announced an offering of US$1.75 billion of 8.125% Non-Viability Contingent Capital ("NVCC") Additional Tier 1 ("AT1") Limited Recourse Capital Notes Series 3 (the "LRCNs").

Click here for: Press Release

On September 6, 2022, TD announced an offering of C$1.5 billion of 7.283% Non-Viability Contingent Capital ("NVCC") Additional Tier 1 ("AT1") Limited Recourse Capital Notes Series 2 (the "LRCNs").

Click here for: Press Release

On July 22, 2021, TD announced an offering of C$1.75 billion of 3.600% Non-Viability Contingent Capital ("NVCC") Additional Tier 1 ("AT1") Limited Recourse Capital Notes Series 1 (the "LRCNs").

Click here for: Press Release

On August 17, 2020, TD announced that that it intends to exercise its right to redeem on September 30, 2020 (the "Redemption Date"), all of its outstanding $1.0 billion 2.982% medium term notes due September 30, 2025 (non-viability contingent capital (NVCC)) constituting subordinated indebtedness of TD (the "Subordinated Notes").

Click here for: Press Release

On May 19, 2020, TD announced that that it intends to exercise its right to redeem on June 24, 2020 (the "Redemption Date"), all of its outstanding $1.5 billion 2.692% medium term notes due June 24, 2025 (non-viability contingent capital (NVCC)) constituting subordinated indebtedness of TD (the "Subordinated Notes").

Click here for: Press Release

On April 13, 2020, TD announced a domestic public offering of $3 billion of medium term notes constituting subordinated indebtedness of the Bank.

Click here for: Press Release

On June 18, 2019, TD announced a domestic public offering of $1.75 billion of medium term notes constituting subordinated indebtedness of the Bank.


On September 5, 2018, TD announced a domestic public offering of $1.75 billion of medium term notes constituting subordinated indebtedness of the Bank.

Click here for: Press Release


Senior Debt Program

Program allowing TD to issue senior debt securities in one or more series which constitute unsecured and unsubordinated obligations and, except for certain statutory priorities and subject to the exercise of bank resolution powers, will rank pari passu in right of payment with all of TD's deposit liabilities.

Archive - Program & Offering Documents

TD Green Bonds

Green Bonds are senior medium term notes where proceeds are allocated to projects that contribute to the low carbon economy.

Subordinated Notes

Unsecured obligations of TD that will constitute subordinated indebtedness which will rank at least equally with other subordinated indebtedness of TD.

Legislative Covered Bonds

Programme registered in the registry established by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation in accordance with the covered bond legislative framework established pursuant to the National Housing Act (Canada), pursuant to which TD may issue legislative covered bonds (the "Legislative Covered Bonds"). The Legislative Covered Bonds are senior, unsecured and unconditional obligations of TD and constitute deposit liabilities, which will rank pari passu in right of payment with all of TD's deposit liabilities.

Payments of interest and principal under the Legislative Covered Bonds are guaranteed by TD Covered Bond (Legislative) Guarantor Limited Partnership (the "Guarantor") and will be secured by the assets of the Guarantor, including a portfolio of residential mortgage loans originated by TD and sold by TD to the Guarantor.


Summary of the current credit ratings for TD and its subsidiaries.

(Please note that many of the documents are available in PDF format and require Acrobat Reader.)

Learn more about debt information at TD