
In a perfect world, we would all be happy and healthy. Unfortunately, that’s not always the way it works; illness is a part of life. And that’s why it’s important to help protect yourself against the unexpected. For instance, if you were diagnosed with a life-threatening cancer and unable to meet your financial responsibilities, TD Mortgage Protection can reduce or pay off the remainder of your mortgage 1 .

In case you don’t know, Credit Protection is a type of insurance that we offer here at TD. It can be purchased whether you’re in the process of applying for your mortgage or if you already have a mortgage with us. With TD Mortgage Protection, you could have coverage for up to $1,000,000 1 if you pass away as a result of a covered condition, get a terminal illness or suffer a covered accidental dismemberment 2 .

Here are some of the situations in which TD Mortgage Protection could help.

Covered critical illness

Illnesses like an acute heart attack, life-threatening cancer or stroke can all affect your life and could put financial stress on you and your family. Help safeguard yourself and your family financially by purchasing TD Mortgage Protection.

To see how life-changing these unexpected events can be and how TD Mortgage Protection can help, check out this real-life story.

“Three weeks after my heart attack, TD paid off our mortgage.” – Allen, critical illness survivor2

您的摯愛指望您照顧他們,但如果您發生意外怎麼辦? With TD Mortgage Critical Illness and Life Insurance, you can feel confident knowing the TD mortgage balance on your home may be reduced or paid off in the event you're diagnosed with (life-threatening) cancer, acute heart attack or stroke.

Allen was enrolled when he had his heart attack, and TD paid off his mortgage 2 . Watch this video to see his real-life story and how we were there for him when he needed it most.

Explore your coverage options

Beyond the advantage of TD Mortgage Protection, other TD Life Insurance coverages, like Accident & Sickness coverage, are also worth considering.

Gain the confidence of knowing that a part, or all, of your mortgage could be taken care of should you suffer a covered critical illness. Use our assessment tool today to learn what your mortgage insurance needs might be and find out which level of coverage could be right for you.
